.NET/Java PDF, Tiff, Barcode SDK Library

You ll also scale the height of the terrain by multiplying the height of each vertex by a scale factor: the heightScale attribute of the Terrain class You can use the following code to correctly position the vertices over the terrain s vertex grid: for (float i = -halfTerrainDepth; i <= halfTerrainDepth; i += blockScale) for (float j = -halfTerrainWidth; j <= halfTerrainWidth; j += blockScale) vertices[vertexCount]Position = new Vector3(j, heightMap[vertexCount]R * heightScale, i); Each vertex also has a U and V texture coordinate that should vary between (0, 0) and (1, 1), where (0, 0) corresponds to the top left, (1, 0) to the top right and (1, 1) to the bottom right of the texture Figure 11-5 shows the texture coordinates of some vertices in a grid.

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For example, the timesheet application exposes a number of methods to the presentation layer, and all operations on the underlying model are performed through this API. In principle, we could provide additional remote method invocation (RMI) or SOAP interfaces to the service layer, allowing different types of client applications to communicate with the same system. You will look at these issues in more detail in 9. The timesheet application groups together the facilities of the service layer into those concerned with manipulating users and those concerned with manipulating timesheets. The specific boundary of separation is a matter of convenience to the developers; there is no rule for deciding the matter. In practice, it will usually be clear what groups of functionality go together naturally. In some very simple applications, the DAO layer and the service layer may have a oneto-one correlation, in which case it may be appropriate to have a single implementation of both. However, in most systems and the example application is no exception the service layer should be given its own implementation, as shown in Figure 5-1.

To calculate the correct texture coordinate for each vertex in the terrain, you first need to calculate the increment of the texture coordinate in the UV axis You do so by dividing the maximum texture coordinate value (10) by the number of vertices minus 1, in each axis: float tu = 0; float tv = 0; float tuDerivative = 10f / (vertexCountX - 1); float tvDerivative = 10f / (vertexCountZ - 1); Then you scroll through all vertices, setting each vertex s texture coordinate and incrementing it..

Figure 11-5. The texture coordinates for a grid of vertices (left) and the UV axes over a texture map (right) In addition to the position and texture coordinate, you still need to calculate the normal, tangent, and binormal for each vertex. To do that, you will create the GenerateTerrainNormals and GenerateTerrainTangentBinormal methods, which you call at the end of the GenerateTerrainVertices method. First, here is the complete code for the GenerateTerrainVertices method: private VertexPositionNormalTangentBinormalTexture[] GenerateTerrainVertices( int[] terrainIndices) { float halfTerrainWidth = (vertexCountX - 1) * blockScale * 0.5f; float halfTerrainDepth = (vertexCountZ - 1) * blockScale * 0.5f; // Texture coordinates float tu = 0; float tv = 0; float tuDerivative = 1.0f / (vertexCountX - 1); float tvDerivative = 1.0f / (vertexCountZ - 1); int vertexCount = 0; VertexPositionNormalTangentBinormalTexture[] vertices = new VertexPositionNormalTangentBinormalTexture[vertexCountX * vertexCountZ]; // Set vertices position and texture coordinate for (float i = -halfTerrainDepth; i <= halfTerrainDepth; i += blockScale) { tu = 0.0f;

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